Monthly First Friday Update Videos

  • September 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – Canary in a Coal Mine

    In this webinar we briefly revisit the most reliable “Leading Indicators” yet the main focus of the discussion is focused on a balanced discussion of the data supporting a stronger economy and the data supporting the “Leading Indicators” which are signaling recession in 2024.

    For investors looking for the economy’s good news and bad news, this short webinar will help summarize the data in an easy to understand format.

  • July 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – How to Build a “Wish List”

    In this Webinar, we discuss the “Signals” our economy is offering. As the probability of a recession continues to increase, we discuss the method of creating a “Wish List” which is a group of companies you would love to own, if it achieved a certain price.

  • June 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – Will Artificial Intelligence Save the World?

    Will the dysfunctional “Debt Ceiling” Spectacle Damage U.S. Credibility as the World’s Currency? Will Funding the Treasury General Account Create Higher Rates for U.S. Treasuries?

    Investors keep hearing about a recession coming, yet inflation remains high and employment is near record levels… is a recession still likely?

    Rumors are the Artificial Intelligence will be more impactful than the internet. Is this true? Who will be the winners and the losers?

  • May 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – Uncertainty Is The Only Certainty

    We address the 5 most important questions posed by the smartest minds on Wall Street and from our Family Office members. As uncertainty increases this Webinar offers answers you may need.

    1. Will inflation ease in 2023?
    2. Will corporate America pass along higher expenses or will higher expenses cause earnings to collapse?
    3. Will Congress address the debt ceiling challenge… and even if they do, what does it mean to the financial markets?
    4. What happens if our U.S. economy enters a recession BEFORE the U.S. Federal Reserve has reduced inflation?
    5. Banks are failing. Did JP Morgan just stop the banking crisis, or will the crisis continue to crescendo?
  • April 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – Crossfire

    We discuss the incredible predicament the U.S. Federal Reserve is in. “Crossfire” is often unavoidable during battle and the U.S. Federal Reserve is in the battle of their life currently. Crossfire often creates the “Collateral Damage” of unintended consequences.

    We will discuss the most likely unintended consequences in our future, along with following up on what the 3 most important “Signals” are telling us today.