Monthly First Friday Update Videos

  • February 2024 “First Friday” Market Outlook – When Does the Cure Become the Poison?

    Despite the hype around a soft landing, a U.S. economic recession is still in the cards. When do the costs for rescuing the U.S. economy become poison? Is the U.S. Federal Reserve winning the battle against inflation?

    In February’s “First Friday” webinar, we will discuss the following important topics:

    Investors must focus on the Signals; Ignore the Noise.

    What are the Signals telling investors?

    How will the U.S. Federal Reserve remedy the next recessions?

    Are the public markets overlooking the 2nd and 3rd order effects of a recession?

  • January 2024 “First Friday” Market Outlook – Turning an Uncertainty into an Advantage

    What’s Ahead for Growth, Inflation, and the U.S. Federal Reserve?

    In January’s “First Friday” webinar, we will discuss the following important topics:

    • The uncertain geopolitical risks are magnifying the macro-economic risks.
    • Why its important for Investors to consider going against the Trend.
    • How should an intelligently diversified portfolio be allocated to a) protect capital, while b) avoid being left behind if the best case becomes reality?
    • Is the U.S. Federal Reserve winning the battle against inflation?

    Click here to view the corresponding Footnotes Summary of this video

  • December 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – First Things First

    When Investing, the “order of operations” matter.

    In this webinar we discuss the macro-economic outlook and geo-political risks ahead. Then we discuss intelligent allocation of assets to minimize risks while remaining diversified, as the outlook changes.

    We also cover the possibility that uncertain geopolitical risks are magnifying the macro-economic risks;

    And is the U.S. Federal Reserve winning the battle against inflation? Or, Are the markets ahead of themselves is expecting a rate cut in March 2024?

    Click here to view the corresponding Footnotes Summary of this video

  • November 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – What is the Market Missing?

    The stock market believes we are going to avoid a recession and grow earnings at over 10% per year for the next 5+ years based on its current valuation.

    Is this possible – or – is the U.S. economy already in recession? What do the underlying data tell us?

    What is the bond market telling investors, and is the increase in corporate defaults a danger?

    Watch the November First Friday to learn the answers to these questions and more.

  • October 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – Where is the Growth?

    The stock market is overvalued by 25-40% according to the Case Shiller index (Case Shiller index says the market is selling at over 32 X earnings.

    The market’s average for the last 140 years is less than 17 X earnings). This means the market is expecting earnings to grow at over 12%/year for the next 5-7 years.

    Is this likely? Is this possible? Listen in to the webinar to understand what history offers, and what current data tell us about future earnings.