Monthly First Friday Update Videos

  • March 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – Signals Vs Noise

    We discuss the disconnect between “Signals” or useful information offering insight into what is to come, vs “Noise” or static information which distracts and often derails the useful information.

    Noise detracts. Signals predict. When dealing with the stock and bond market – there are 2 Signals which have identified every recession in advance since 1950. Learn what these 2 Signals are telling us now.

  • February 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – The Return of Gravity

    Recession Coming? The 3 most important variables to watch. What these leading variables telling us today? “What is the Market Missing?” What is the Current “fair market value” for stocks?

  • January 2023 “First Friday” Market Outlook – What is in Store for 2023?

    What’s In Store For 2023 – in this Research Webinar The Abernathy Group Family Office discusses the most likely events in 2023 and the data supporting our beliefs. How Intelligent Investors should be positioned for 2023 given all we know today.

  • December 2022 “First Friday” Market Outlook – What is the Most Likely Pathway Forward?

    Corporate Share Repurchases – record levels over the last 15 years – yet unlikely to continue. This will create headwinds.

    Inflation is the villain we our Fed is fighting. On November 9th the CPI reading showed a lower CPI. We show and discuss the reason the market was totally wrong.

    Inflation expectations – the market has priced in inflation returning to under 3% by the end of 2023. Could this happen? Yes – anything is possible. However we show data going back through 1970 that shows this has NEVER happened.

    There was a question about recessions coupled with Bear markets, vs Bear markets without recessions:

    • Recessions often, yet not always lead to bear markets
    • Bear markets are often, yet not always part of recessions
    • Recessions WITH Bear markets are worse than recession without Bear markets
    • Bear markets do lead to Bull markets, and bulls following bears are usually 3-4X as long and Much larger than the downturn preceding it…
  • November 2022 “First Friday” Market Outlook – What Is The Market Missing?

    What should investors expect over the next month?

    Is inflation threatening our economy? Will the U.S. Federal Reserve continue to increase rates?

    What are the major risks to remain aware of, or prepare for over the next month?

    Is the downturn in our economy creating opportunities? If so where?