Author: admin

Managing Assets for Families Through Value-Based Investing

“Honesty is the first building block of any framework or structure that you are going to offer your family. Make sure the adviser works only for you and your family. Having the adviser receive compensation from any other source anywhere is a prescription for disaster, meaning conflicts of interest.”

Conserving Land And Preserving Your Legacy: When A Conservation Easement Should Be Considered

Conservation easements are at times misunderstood; however, it’s worth investigating your eligibility.  If an easement is appropriate for your property, you can preserve American green space, create a legacy, protect your property’s ecosystem and reap the benefits of a substantial tax savings.

Legally binding obligations that limit a property’s future use, conservation easements often protect biological, ecological, scenic, and historical resources.  In addition they can serve as public parks.  The way it works is a conservation easement limits commercial and industrial use, restricts or prohibits development and curbs other activities on the property.

This Is Your Brain On Bias, And It Will Cost You

Neuroeconomics has gained attention in recent years.  While it’s not exactly news, research continues to lift the veil on the mental processes behind people’s choices.  Why would anyone, particularly a savvy investor, continually try to defy biases rooted within our neurobiology?

It’s unlikely it is for human beings to escape the predispositions of our complex brains.  Inclined to see patterns where none exist, it is normal to make causal inferences.  But this kind of thinking leads to faulty conclusions and biased decision-making.

5 Ways to Keep Your Business from Tanking: Vital Succession Planning Lessons

Building a successful, sustainable business from the ground up is rarely an easy road.

Those who do well overcome what are often tremendous obstacles and monumental sacrifices.  Time is a non-renewable resource. Missed recitals, childhood tournaments, milestones and even general health can take a back seat—sometimes for years at time.

As a company grows, an owner may assume risks to bring the business forward fueled by nothing more than a positive outlook on the future.  It’s this dedication to delivering what was promised, maintaining the business’ reputation, commitment to quality and care that allowed the business to flourish in the first place.

3 Proven Fundamentals to Pass Financial Success to Your Children

Successful multi-generational wealth transfers are not based on investment strategy alone—nor is wealth preservation helped along by a series of complicated trusts and holdings. What separates families who successfully grow their fortunes, generation after generation, from those who end up destroying wealth?

It sounds deceptively simple – but it’s worth noting since many families do not take the time to examine what they communicate both verbally and non-verbally to their heirs.

Could Shareholder Activism Solve the Woes of Today’s Dwindling Defined Benefit Plans?

Retirement isn’t what it used to be.  Defined benefit plans, formerly a way for employees to have a relatively comfortable retirement, haven’t yielded the healthy returns of years past.

Many operate at a deficit.

Last year, based on an Asset Management Report from Goldman Sachs, the WSJ reported that 21of the 50 largest plans in the S&P 500 lowered their expected return on assets.  The expected shortfall will have dramatic consequences—but the news gets worse.  Consulting Firm Milliman compiled the 100 Pension Funding Index (PFI) showing the funded status of the 100 largest corporate defined benefit pension plans.

Discovering A Family’s Purpose Can Save the Family Fortune

Many people spend a lifetime searching for that elusive yet vital calling: a life’s purpose. No one on their deathbed wishes more hours were spent at the office. 

It’s also surprisingly rare to long for one more day of golf or other leisurely pursuit. What becomes clear at the end of our lives is they are infused with true meaning and purpose based on our connection to others. And fundamental connections begin with family.

What Does Your Family Business Need to Know About Succession Planning?

Business owners may be masterful at growing their businesses, however, succession planning is rarely considered until it’s time to sell the company or pass the reins to others. Generally business owners (and management) focus on the immediacy of issues at hand as well as general business planning. This could include serving clients, facilities upgrades, or other considerations directly linked to the business’ ability to thrive. Owners generally do not consider what leaving the “baby” they have worked so hard to build will look like once they sell the company or pass 100% of their responsibilities to other people. When it is time to make a succession plan, here is what we recommend you consider:

The Most Important Moment in a Rich Kid’s Life

Ignoring the emotional aspects of wealth is a mistake.

Families have many pivotal moments—graduations, weddings or watching one’s own child become a parent may be among them, where legacies and traditions are passed down and shared with the next generation. The day financial responsibility is bestowed upon an heir is typically not included in such a list. 

But it should be.

How Affluent Families Stay Wealthy – Great Investment Won’t Do It

Many people spend a lifetime searching for an elusive yet vital calling—their life’s purpose. No one on their death bed wishes more hours were spent at the office. It’s also surprisingly rare to long for one more day of golf or other leisurely pursuit. What becomes clear at the end of our lives is that true meaning and purpose is based on our connections to other people. Fundamental connections begin with family. What if a shared purpose was nurtured to serve as the bellwether for moments when decisions need to be made?