Author: admin

How to Maximize Your Company’s 401k Plans
(& Not Get Fined by the Department of Labor)

In 2014, the Department of Labor (DOL) changed their rules and took aim at 401k Plan sponsors without proper oversight of their companies’ retirement plans. I warned business owners about the potential consequences of this in articles written for Forbes and Medical Economics. It’s time for business owners to pay attention.

If you—or your clients—own a company which offers a 401k plan to employees, we recommend you review the rules and take note of any company practices which may be actionable as soon as possible.

Family Offices, Medicine And Medical Advancement – Part One

Family Offices don’t have to think of health and medical issues as purely as a cost – there are also ways of investing in these areas to benefit their members and wider society, so the author of this article argues.

Aging and illness is no respecter of wealth and an important of the conversation that should go on among families is keeping physically and mentally well, and if trouble arrives, setting in place plans and resources. This article explores what family offices can do to help members in these areas in sourcing medical and health resources, as well as understanding health-related business and technologies as important economic growth areas.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away –
What Happens When You Need the Best

The Notorious BIG famously wrote, “Mo’ money, mo’ problems.” The same can be said for longer lifespans: the older we get the more likely medical intervention is.

The American Cancer Society’s most recent statistics indicate one in three people will get cancer in their lifetime. Preventative measures may be taken. However, nothing regarding health and wellness creates 100% certainty. Assuring access to world-class healthcare—before its needed—is the latest component intelligent investors are adding to their estate planning strategy.

5 Reasons You’ll Never Need the Best Advisers in the World
(Well, Not All the Time)

Reason #1 – It’s not in the client’s best interest to pay for advisers 24/7.

Gaining an informational advantage is how wealth grows, right? True. There are top tier advisers paid to do high level analysis on a fulltime basis. Warren Buffett employs such a group. But not even multi-billionaires are likely to require the time and expertise of ALL the experts they employ 40 hours every single week. The hedge to staying wealthy is have experts available—when you need them.

Welcome to New York, the Globe’s Latest Tech Hub… With a Twist

The last decade brought unprecedented change across the tech industry globally. New York, a key city for several industries including finance, fashion, and art participated in—but by no means dominated—the tech world. However, for investors with the foresight to get involved now, staying connected to the burgeoning tech market across New York City will be an asset.

The combination of tech talent, capital both onshore and offshore as well as being in the world’s financial capital, is creating a rival to Silicon Valley—and the world does not seem privy to this—yet.

Five Steps to Help Clients Pass the Decision-Making Baton

A moment can change everything.

Whether it’s an illness impairing judgment, an accident or unforeseen tragedy, thinking about life’s worst curveballs (never mind preparing for them) isn’t always on an investor’s radar. But not planning for them can be far worse—especially for those who’ve spent a lifetime accumulating and building their wealth. The Alzheimer’s Association reported that one in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. According to a 2015 Rocket Lawyer estate planning survey by Harris Poll, 64 percent of Americans don’t have a will.

How Do Irrevocable Trusts Serve Families and Their Heirs

Families who employ irrevocable trusts do so for multiple reasons, chiefly lessening tax burdens when wealth is passed to heirs. Modifying an irrevocable trust used to involve lengthy, potentially costly, time in court. Depending on how recognisable the family name was, unwanted media attention could ensue. Decanting a trust today is not done in court, costs a fraction of what it used to and allows for an air of discretion and privacy.

When A Moment Changes Everything, What Happens? Ask the Affluent

Circumstances can change in an instant and electronic security, now more than ever, is an important step to take in thorough planning. If the head of a family’s health fails, their spouse has an accident or they simply find themselves out of the country in need of medical attention, how can families make wise decisions and access sensitive, often confidential information quickly?

What Are the Top Wealth Management Secrets? Start with Common Sense

Families who maintain and grow their wealth generation after generation take a multi-disciplinary approach to wealth management. While there is no “one size fits all” rule, these fundamentals are worth noting:

The first area, growing, preserving and transferring wealth, is generally well known.

What’s Your Family’s Greatest Asset?

Baby boomers and elders (those above 76 years of age) were surveyed in the Allianz American Legacies Pulse Survey and assets were not found to be the most important inheritance going to heirs. Rather, learning and embodying the values of the family was viewed as far more significant.