Author: admin

China – What is Everyone Missing?

The investment community is wrestling with the market’s current challenges of being overvalued, with inflation increasing rapidly, and with speculative activity at levels rarely seen over the last 30 years. Nothing is being mentioned about the increasing geopolitical risks. If we are not careful, the United States may be facing a decline, similar to great dynasties of the past, due to our wealth, comfort, and investors’ complacency. Intelligent Investors will keep a wary eye on the world’s developments beyond our shores.

The Power of the Match: Strategic Philanthropy as a Call to Action

Strategic Philanthropy (SP) has increased in recent decades–particularly among families who wish to leave behind a legacy. As more dynastic families opt to make a greater impact with their fortunes, the old way of passing down assets is evolving in a few ways.

The Giving Pledge,, started by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, began recruiting members in 2010. As of May 2019, 204 individuals and couples are participating.

Using a Scientific Investment Approach and a Core Satellite Strategy

“The satellites of the strategy are the unique investment that most family offices offer, which truly add a level of diversification for each family. It’s a strategy focused on outperforming inflation and being able to sleep at night by investing in opportunities that are not correlated with the global capital markets, yet that will outperform inflation.”

3 Ways Legal Asset Protection Pays for Itself Many Times over a Lifetime

High net worth individuals and families know legal asset protection is keenly important. Dynastic families who hold onto their wealth, generation to generation, often turn to family offices to provide counsel because they trust Family Offices to ensure their assets are legally protected first and foremost.